<%@ Page Language="vbscript"%> Debug.Assert(Grokking = True) '; <$BlogRSDURL$>
Debug.Assert(Grokking = True) ';
Wednesday, December 31, 2003
5:28 PM
Finally got the OleDb connection to pick up the Access database for cstruck.

The stupidest part was that I named a field in the database "Name" and I forgot that Access/Jet and OleDb don't like keywords as column names. Probably should've looked for a column delimiter property or something.

I've got the web.config file set up to accept a provider string, with a placeholder for the data source name. The data source name is another config setting, specifying an app-root-relative path to the database. I initialize the connection string in the Session_OnStart, and cache it to the application. This way, regardless of whether CT moves my site around on the server, it should still point to the right place.

Ok, not such a big deal, but it took a lot of trouble to try out everything else that should have worked but didn't first. <% writeAmountOfComments(107519447747221264) %> comments

Tuesday, December 30, 2003
12:31 PM
still thinking shareware (maybe not so much now).

From LED Digest: remarks about shopping cart:

"We've been happy with CCNow.com for several years. Simple setup, very reasonable rate, exceptional customer service."

Don Johnson
Pisces Publishing Group, Inc.
donj [AT] piscespub [DOT] com <% writeAmountOfComments(107519444501192171) %> comments

Thursday, December 11, 2003
1:07 PM
Sample of my work, created for Microsoft (yes, I mean the web page itself, not one of the components listed there):

Sharepoint Products and Technologies Web Component Directory <% writeAmountOfComments(107519440622082942) %> comments

Monday, December 08, 2003
9:50 PM
Just joined this:
Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint, .NET, Server Security Community

I hope this was worth it... <% writeAmountOfComments(107519426789635557) %> comments

5:26 PM
Very large library: RSP&A Web Site: Software Engineering Resources <% writeAmountOfComments(107519416595743243) %> comments

Wednesday, December 03, 2003
11:42 AM
This was a recommended read for shareware authors:

Your Marketing Sucks
Your Marketing Sucks

The Hard-Nosed Guide to Implementing ROI (Return on Investment) Marketing

by Mark Stevens (published by Crown Business)

<% writeAmountOfComments(107519350637489505) %> comments

9:22 AM
Recommended Shareware redistributors: Shareware Junction (or SWMirror) <% writeAmountOfComments(107519313229969690) %> comments

Tuesday, December 02, 2003
10:47 PM
Payroll recommendation: paycycle.com <% writeAmountOfComments(10751930975760737) %> comments

10:44 PM
Payment gateway recommended: www.plugnpay.com <% writeAmountOfComments(107519305217075254) %> comments

10:34 PM
CD printer/shippers: www.cd-ship.com
(prefer over SwiftCD) <% writeAmountOfComments(107519300781255457) %> comments

10:29 PM
from alt.comp.shareware.authors (20031119.2052):

Yep. The "Marriott Magic Formula" I use (see
http://www.guysoftware.com/sitelic.xls) says that 25,000 copies of a $40 item
should be about $5 each.

> Where does this come from?

Chris Marriott ("SkyMap") published the formula in the ASP groups some time ago. I
just put it into the spreadsheet.

> Can you quickly explain the rational behind the other columns?

Number: The size of the order
Each (Average): The per-unit price in the bulk order (e.g 20 copies of a $29.98
product work out as $16.47 each)
Total: The total price of the bulk order (e.g. 20 copies of a
$29.98 product cost $329.35 total)
Next Copy: The incremental cost (if the user is buying 20 copies of a
$29.98 product it will cost $13.11 to buy one more)
Equiv single: The number of single copies at the base price which results
in the same total (useful if your registration service can't handle variable
pricing - e.g. if the customer wants 20 copies of a $29.98 product he can put in an
order for 11 copies at the regular price in order to pay you)
% single The "deal" the buyer is getting (e.g. a 20 copy bulk order
costs 54.93% as much as 20 single copy orders).

I use the formula also to set my regular "package" prices, but I round to a "nice
looking" number. See the prices at http://www.guysoftware.com/planbee.htm

<% writeAmountOfComments(107519296423673438) %> comments

10:15 PM
From alt.comp.shareware.authors (20031119.1138):

Of all the customers that have stiffed us on payments, a large percentage
(~95%) of them have been resellers. As a results, we require all reseller
purchases to be paid up front with no exceptions.

Nice to know... <% writeAmountOfComments(107519293519836008) %> comments

10:11 PM
I'll need these:
Registration vendors: ShareIt, RegNow, RegSoft <% writeAmountOfComments(107519288100510628) %> comments

10:01 PM
Still working on the shareware idea...

Recommended license protection tool: Armadillo (w/ eSellerate?) http://www.siliconrealms.com <% writeAmountOfComments(107519284319054670) %> comments

9:23 PM
As found in alt.comp.shareware.authors (dated 20031116.1709):

You pointed it out already, you are working on getting the
application out the door. What does it need? Put all basic elements on
paper. Think about them, and work a bit on each (sometimes it's easier
to program, sometimes it's easier to open the browser and select a
payment processor).
My list:
- app identity: Name, logo, icon, slogan, interface, so on...
- application: all basic functionalities working. Enough to sell.
Good Software Takes Ten Years. Get Used To it.
- website. Domain, basic website, product description, buy link
- payment processor.
- registration schema
- documentation (very, *very* basic. Few users buy an app because of
- promotion (pad file, download sites submission tool/service)
- "professional developer mindset". this is the most important.
read Shareware Amateurs vs. Shareware Professionals by Steve
Then re-read it. Then read it again. Save it on your desktop.
And never give up ;)

You must have all these things working, even on a basic mode, to
launch your application. So do not focus excessively on any of those.
AFTER the product launches you start to improve each of them. It takes
a long time to get it right.

best regards,
Mauricio Macedo
<% writeAmountOfComments(107519277436930679) %> comments

9:18 PM
Well, I certainly don't wanna grow up to be a ShareWare Amateur, if I'm gonna grow up at all.

Shareware Amateurs vs. Shareware Professionals by Steve Pavlina <% writeAmountOfComments(107519272383052384) %> comments

9:18 PM
Interesting perspectives from the big apple:

Joel on Software (rss) <% writeAmountOfComments(107519242599724822) %> comments

5:32 PM
Yet More Shareware Resources:

The SAX - Shareware Author Index <% writeAmountOfComments(107519195539881192) %> comments

5:29 PM
This gives me some ideas of what is considered award-winning shareware...

Shareware Industry Awards Foundation -- Shareware Industry Conference <% writeAmountOfComments(107519191579046582) %> comments

5:10 PM
I've been kicking around the idea of developing shareware.

Association of Shareware Professionals <% writeAmountOfComments(107519184541284255) %> comments

Alan McBee's various technical thingamabobs and whatchamawhoozits

This weblog is devoted to the technical and sometimes business oriented things I think of and come across during my working day.

I own Developer Vision, devoted to creating software tools and components.

I also keep a personal website with its own blog.

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